Re: [MV] Auction results

From: DAS (
Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 17:18:05 PST

Jack et al
    I suggest you listers on the west coast look into offshore vehicle
purchases.I have bought in Okinawa Japan where there is no competion but for
good reason. Another front-line location is Korea. But beware of
"quotes"from a shipper in a closed market such as Okinawa----They excluded
certain charges on the quote, and charged me $1700 per hour to drive 2ea
cucv pickups into each container...a seminar I hope you can take from me and
not learn the hard way.Germany is a reasonable container ship or ro/ro to
the east coast as well,although I have not gotten a load from Europe yet.
        My $.02
- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 7:06 PM
Subject: [MV] Auction results

> Well gang.... another big truck auction has closed and I scored zip again.
> The deuce went for $2110, Sierra Depot in CA. I can't believe it...
drat! lol (maybe next time)
> Next. Had an odd thing happen while up Sharpe that's probably worth
mentioning to bidders at such auctions like today.
> I found that truck #7001 only had a $95 bid on it as of yesterday and I
thought it must have been because they put the wrong pic on the web or
something. So I inspected it really good, seemed great to me, but no
> Ok, so I bid right then and there... next day, the price was still low.
Alright, now this is weird, just seemed to good to be true, so I went back
out to the yard and double checked, yep it was the right number 7001, the
bid now was only up to $185 and this was the last day?? Truck 7003 was in
front and it was $1500... 7004 was behind it and was much higher too... Wha
the..? Nah... could I actually be getting a deal... finally? lol
> My bubble burst when a GL employee showed up and we figured out why the
low bid. While he was out there looking over one of the trucks for an
Internet bidder we got to talking and I commented about the low bids on
7001... thats when I discovered this truck not the one I thought it was, in
fact it was sold in the last auction! It was left behind waiting for the
EUC and they had not moved it out yet.
> Panic set in... as I soon found the "real 7001" a couple of rows away and
it was just residue. (insert deer in headlights look now) After regaining
conciousness I made some quick phone calls and did some explaining...
fortunately I got my bid retracted, thanks to GL supervisors David Hess and
David Wright who understood the problem and agreed to let me off the hook
without a fuss (thanks again guys..I was really sweating bullets.).
> Looking back my suggestion to GL would be to:
> #1 tag "Sold" vehicles as sold (would help stop possible confusion with
current items for auction)
> and...
> #2 keep them out of the lots under bid (again, avoid any possible
misunderstanding and to keep people off your sold vehicle)
> and for buyers... (very important and something I just learned, almost
the hard way)
> #3. always make sure the tagged ID on the vehicle shows that shows the
smaller I.A. (Internet auction) number below the item number, matches the
auction you are bidding on! In my case even the IA number which was hand
written and appeared as this auction ... so close... 656 v 658....glad we
got it straightened out easy!
> That's when I returned to bidding on the other deuce up at Sierra about
150 miles away, I put my bid in and raced for home to watch it go down on
the puter, sadly got home just as the auction closed and found out I was
outbid in the last moments once again.
> Oh well... I will just keep trying. Hope some you guys scored today!
> Jack (Norcal)
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