Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 05:21:55 PST
>They expect you to toss the bad switch and put a new one in there.
>My Scotch ancestry precludes such behavior. Thanks, Joe! Jim
Aye, me laddie, the Scottish ancestry is prevalent in me blood line, too!
Had a 650cc Triumph motorcycle (I have English bloodline, too) and when
I'd apply the brakes, the headlight would come on. Mind blower! Turned
out that the stop light bulb filament broke lose on one end and fell down
onto the tail light filament. Hit the brakes and current would go to the
tail light and backfeed all the way to the headlight. Could happen on
almost any vehicle.
The military headlight switch can cause brake light problems. Another
problem is when only one stop light works. Don't even think about using
a jumper wire from the working light over to he non-working, unless you
want a really neat light show when you use the signal lights! Also, the
signal lights are tied into the brake light switch and this switch can
cause problems.
Joe Young
Joe Young
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