Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 14:13:33 PST
Thanks, Joe, I was mildly worried about his sorta carefree attitude about
stuff, but you have helped... I have both the inner and outer seals. new.
The little cork thingie in the keyway for the 4 rears is very important.
and some silicone around it is better. The outer nut is good to about 125
ft lbs. and using a socket from Napa or whomever, is better than VICE aka
Vise grips...Folks gotta remember and I always get flamed for this... that
these trucks were designed in the late forties and production was started in
1951 and remained essentially unchanged until 1972 or so and they have to be
driven as such...and you need the manuals...and good advice from someone
older than 19....BTW I drove 7 of my vehicles today, and checked out all the
systems after a long cold winter,,, and it is going down to ten degrees
Don't forget to set your clocks tonight... See ya in Aberdeen aka
Churchville, or maybe on 4/20 re Jumbo... RAM
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