From: aussierob (
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 18:49:39 PDT
Jerry, and Todd P. and Tim Lynn interested others
Jerry, I dont know the answer to your question regarding "when" the numbers
occured with and without the shovel /axe indents for CJs or the Agri jeep
But, on the one I have just gotten with the shovel indents too, the engine
is numbered in the CJ2A 5000's as well as the tub and frame are numbered in
the 5000's too. The frame I got to read later in the afternoon.
It shows 5517 while the frame is 5035 Not positive, but the numbers are
Although they dont match there are all quite close.
I believe, they used up the war tubs, (I'm told) before going to the CJ2a
tubs. The front right, floor of mine, did have the CJ2A toolbox and the NON
drop 2A fuel tank.
Where the axe sheath should be they had installed the filler housing.
But, I did find matching numbers on the far right side of the tailgate
...that's the vertical folded right or passengers side edge.
Tim , the Logo says Willys not jeep for the 4 main positions.
It did have the 3 plates on the dash though.
I also have a heater but it was definitely an aftermarket fit. I could not
find a name on this heater. It did however, have sort of a plain basic
winged pattern ...very loose wing pattern
There's a PTO just removed. Also, the columm shift. Also a front winch
plate or weight between the frame horns and a rear flat belt right angled
PTO drum.
Now for the bad news, for the $70 dollars I do not get the PTO Rear rive
drum or front winch plate or air cleaner.
Is $70 a good deal for this jeep. Sure is . The seller has a purpose for
these parts.
Still I'm happy. I already have a PTO on an MZ and I know where there is
another one sitting in a back lot.
Rob P.
Upstate Ny area near Syracuse.
'42 MB Been to #ell and back
'42 GPW now under full rebuild
'44 MB - USMC/NAVY MZ Radio jeep need rebuild
'46 CJ2A Fully Rebuilt Eng. not yet intsalled
'47 CJ2As Really Rusty one Runs (two jeeps)
Two CJ5s great engines - bad tubs
1, Surrey jeep. soon to have Toyota Celica eng. + Tranny
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