Date: Sat May 04 2002 - 10:03:42 PDT
Hi all, have been swamped with calls/emails with a lot of questions about
where is so and so, what day can I set-up, etc..... To try and get the
message out here is the latest list.
Since this newsgroup server does not support attachments, I "Cut and Pasted"
the list of venders/tailgaters/, etc who have registered for the Rally below.
The formatting and other details are lost, but is a workable list. To date
there are 198 seperate entries for "venders" and 478 spaces sold. While the
show is essentially sold out, there is a crew at the rally site now who will
try and lay out a few more, plan is to accommodate those we can on a first
come basis.
If you did not pre-register/cost at the door for a 25x25 foot space is $40
each, again thats on a first come basis.
The field will open for vender set-up at 1200, Wed 8 May. The Rally is
officially open dawn to dusk 9-11 May. Venders must be totally clear of the
field by 1200 Sunday 12 May, so the rest of us can get home and try and make
it up to our Spouses, Moms etc. for Mothers Day.
Thanks to all who have once again made this a record setting show. This
non-profit event is the largest militaria flea market in the US, proceeds go
to Army Emergency Relief, Ordnance Museum and the Scout troops helping us.
If there are any questions about registration reply to
"" with cc to "" On Monday the ability
of any of us to respond via email will decrease as we spend more time out at
the Rally.
Web site is
Adams Charles E14,15,16
Agosti s4
Ahl Dave e1
Ankrom Tony I4
Asbury f21,22
Baals Ernest k5,6,7
Banks N11,12
Baranosky d14,15,16
Beachwood Canvas Beachwood Canvas T16,17,18,U16,17,18
Bellman Bob N14,15
Benedict (duffle bag) Duffle Bag c11,12,d11,12
Berendsen h29
Biever a5
Blackwood Trader John e19,20,f19,20
Bland Jerry M7
Bogacik U3,4
Bond U14
Brewer T12
Brown Rod P17,Q17
Burke S18
Burroughs Mark none assigned
Campbell j5
Carr e23,24,25
Carver g16,h16
Cassidy Jim S17
Caudill n9,10,o9,10
Cheston T14
Chipps Norm M6
Ciccone j7,8,9,k9
Clark Tim K2,3,4
Clingenpeel s3
Collins Dan N1,2,O1,2
Como M8
Cooper S13
Cooper Kit N8
Crisp (Carolina Growler) Carolina Growler a3,b3
Davidson s8
Davis Oliver (group) L,1,2,3,4,5,6,m1,2,3,4,5
Dean d30,31,32
Debella E9,10,11,12
Deluca U2
Devor Tom L7
Diamond c19,20
Dodd (Rapco) e17,18,f17,18
Downing d19,20
Dugremier r4
Dunn d4,5
Edwards b10,11
Eilerstsen p9,10
Elliott j6
Emdee (Star Electric) Star Electric p1,2,3,q1,2,3
Farrell q6
Finch Weekend Warrior H4,5,6
Fitzpatrick U11,12
Fleckenstein j12
Foster a16,b16
Fritz R12,13,14,15
Galvin O6
Gardner k12
Gebhard c7,8
Gilmore T10,11
Green Jeep Panels P6,7,8
Greenleaf S9
Grove T1,U1
Gusky S11
Haage j10,11
Haduch e2,3,4,5,6
Hain Jeff Front Line c1,2 d1,2
Hall Vintage Wiring f7
Hamrick Paid for 2 Spaces
Hanley c3,4,5,6
Harbaugh P18, Q18
Hart s5
Henry e26,27,28,29
Hillard U10
Hlavin k15,16
Homfeld G&D G&D Surplus N16,17
Huck j14
Huffman Q7,8
Hurre s1,2
Inman (Liberty Arms) Liberty Arms g31,32,h31,32
Jackson T7
Jalving r6
Johanson e13,f13
Johnson (at the front) At the Front k14
Johnson Scott I3
Johnston Q9,10
Kahn T13
Kanzenbach c31,32
Kastner m17,18
Kaune b5
Kelone U5,6,7,8
Kindervater L9,10,11,m9,10,11
King Ed LZ Army Navy F8,9,10,11,12
King Ron k8
Kivett (white owl) White Owl p4,5,q4,5
Krebs g3
Krivac f29
Kruyer Pops GMC d6,7,8
Kubu a6,7,b6,7
Laansoo h25,26,27,28
Lambros h2,3
Larsen c17,18,d17,18
Larson P13,14
Leake c22,23,24,25
Lee Peter N3,4,O3,4
Lobue k10,11
Lombardo c16
McBride d13
McCabe g1,2,h1
McCleaf John I10
McClean s6
McCormack Rich I5
McNamara f26,27,28
Meacock r5
Mehosky B2
Meissner Fred L12,13,14,15,16,m12,13,14,15,16
Mele George I8
Mengele Denis I16
Military Vehicle Mag J1
Miller Riv-Rad N18,018
Miller Charles Paid for 1 Space
Miller Pete I11
Money Lee D3
Monn g4,5
Morehead none assigned
Mormando belle and blade Belle and Blade d24,25,26
Mothimor Doc I9
Mullins c26,27,d27
Murray TNJ Murray g10,11,12,13,14,15,H10,11,12,13,14,15
Neumann L17,18
Northrup e7,8
Norton I1
O'brien Paid for 1 Space
O'Dell a9,10,11
Olivieri f1
Ordnance Resrach S15,16
Patrick S2
Peaslee Q11,12,13,14,15
Pecorale S14
Peters e30,31,32,f30,31,32
Pichotto Matt I7
Pierce T8,9
Pitman r1
Popernack R9
Potter c13,14,15
Powers none assigned
Ratzburg Sliazas J15,16
Rollette I14,15
Rutt g8
Sacks U13
Saturn Surplus Saturn Surplus j13,k13
Schliecher Dave and Laurie N5,O5
Scholer c21,d21
Schreffler a4,b4
Scott G. a8
Scudner A12,13,14,15,b12,13,14,15
Segal S12
Serfass g6
Shaver e21,22
Shaw T15,U15
Shawn Bob I6
Skipper N6,7
Sliazas (Ratzburg h23,24) h21,22,23,24
Smith O7,8
Smith Terry I2
Spence Portrayal Press N13
Spencer Doug G29
Stefani Q16
Stewart g30,h30
Storey f3,4,5,6
Strasser j17,18,k17,18
Stratmann R16,17,18
Tajera g7,h7
Taro John L8
Tassie c9,10,d9,10
Taylor b1
Thibault R10,S10
Thompson c28,d28
Thrasher f25
Threadgill Paid for 2 spaces
Todd Bill and Ann h8,9
Todd Dennis d22,23
Tucker C.W. O15,16,17
Vetter F14,15,16
Von Rosentiel P11,12
Wagner a1
Walker R11
Ward Mar Sperow T2,3,4,5,6
Warzbok o11,12,13,14
Weiss (Edelweiss) Edelweiss r2,3
Williams g21,22,23,24,25,26
Wilson Bill I12
Winkle I13
Withrow c29
Wolboldt R7,8,S8
Young D. g9
Young Joe MV Trucker b8,9
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