Re: [MV] FV 432 MK1( Gas )

From: kuhrick (
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 03:09:55 PDT

i dont know a thing about the thing your talking about
my m886 (1977 dodge pickup frame and cab) thge 318 lecked gas into oil
fuel pump diagrams was busted and let gas into oil
and i know 2 chivy small blocks did same thing
as well as ford small blocks
so all most anything with a fuel pump on the motor can do it i think
i have never heard of a elct. fuel pump filling the motor with gas
know dealal motor will fill the motor with fuel oil and blow the motor up
as well
good luck
and i hope this helps at least a little

At 05:52 PM 5/4/02 -0600, alex gordon wrote:
>I have run into a problem with the gas.
>Last tine I operated the FV 432 the oil filed with gas so that it run
>out of the fill hole, at the time I thought I had not turned off the gas
>when I parked it . today we changed the oil and cleaned the filter.
>before starting it the oil level was on the mark it ran until the oil
>light went out and in less than 2 minutes the oil filler started spewing
>oil and gas from it. It is now over full again !!!
>Can it run that good and still dump that much gas in the crank case that
>quick ?? I hope someone on the list can help me with this as I'm
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