Re: [MV] Painting the white lettering on Commo gear

From: Joe Foley (
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 19:15:57 PDT

--- wrote:
> I'll echo IHC's comment about the greasepencil/china
> marker,
> or just plain old white crayon. Good for reading
> fine metal
> stamping on firearms, gaming dice for the kid's
> games, etc.
> Now that I think about it, the white filling on the
> commo gear
> did remind me a bit of that... ;-)
The stamped lettering on mil-commo gear can be filled
in with a lacquer stick, they come in several colors
and are normally used to mark steel.

Its a paint stick, looks like a big crayon, costs
about $2 each.

McMaster-Carr might have them.


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