From: Gavin Broad (
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 06:25:09 PDT
Hi Tony & List,
If you get under the wagon with a torch and look:
a. at the vehicle floor underside at either side of the silencer and...
b. at the rear floor underside, directly above the foremost member of each
side's suspension arm....
you will see abbreviated-U shaped reinforcement fillets that are where each
drilled hole should come though the vehicle floor. Ideally, you should
drill the holes from the underside, even though the actual instructions ask
you to measure it out and drill inside the truck. You can drain the
fluids and turn the vehicle onto her side on an old mattress -it really
will make life easier for you. Drilling through the prop-shaft
tunnel-roof is a complete b*****d of a job. Using pilot holes goes without
saying, right?
Then, just assemble the pedestal loosely, don't tighten anything. Line it
all up and nip up the nuts. Don't forget the "extra" washers under the
rear legs.
Send me a pic when you're finished.
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