Gillespie Paint & Synthol

From: Bob Muller (
Date: Wed May 15 2002 - 06:19:31 PDT

Subject: Gillespie Paint & Synthol

Getting ready to do the body on one of my trucks and rather than using the
basic Gillespie Paint & Mineral Spirits route I thought I would try Synthol
& hardener as several have mentioned. My local NAPA gave me 8008 Synthol
Reducer and 8010 hardener and recommended I call Martin Senour for mixing

When mentioning I was using Gillespie paint, a non-alkyd enamel, they said
they had no recommendation for this other than they recommend 8 parts
paint, 4 parts reducer and 1 part hardener for their paint.

Is this what you folks are using that have used Synthol & hardener? I am
using # 319 lo-luster early WWII green and I understand too much hardener
can make it glossy. What proportions are you using?

Are there distinct advantages to this system in terms of paint durability &
recoat or am I just as well off with Mineral Spirits or Xylene?

FYI - The NAPA store said that the SYNTHOL is going to be phased out
soon. It does not have sufficient sales volume to support the
product. They recommended if you need it, stock up.


Bob Muller - Water Heater Innovations, Inc
Voice (518)872-1002 Fax (518)872-1012

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