From: Dave Cole (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 07:46:33 PDT
I have never mixed hardener into Gillespie paint, however I have used the Napa synthetic activator (I forget what it says on can) and I used it at a ratio of
1/2 pint to 1 gallon of paint and it worked great. I was using tractor enamel - which is an alkyd enamel. You said that Gillepie is a non-alkyd based paint?
That would surprise me since it is an air dry enamel.
Make sure you don't over reduce that paint. A two to one ratio for the paint to reducer seems awfully high. I spray tractor enamel straight out of the can with
the activator added. No reducer added at all. However as I said, I have never sprayed Gillespie, so I am not aware of it's viscosity.
5/15/2002 8:19:31 AM, Bob Muller <> wrote:
>Subject: Gillespie Paint & Synthol
>Getting ready to do the body on one of my trucks and rather than using the
>basic Gillespie Paint & Mineral Spirits route I thought I would try Synthol
>& hardener as several have mentioned. My local NAPA gave me 8008 Synthol
>Reducer and 8010 hardener and recommended I call Martin Senour for mixing
>When mentioning I was using Gillespie paint, a non-alkyd enamel, they said
>they had no recommendation for this other than they recommend 8 parts
>paint, 4 parts reducer and 1 part hardener for their paint.
>Is this what you folks are using that have used Synthol & hardener? I am
>using # 319 lo-luster early WWII green and I understand too much hardener
>can make it glossy. What proportions are you using?
>Are there distinct advantages to this system in terms of paint durability &
>recoat or am I just as well off with Mineral Spirits or Xylene?
>FYI - The NAPA store said that the SYNTHOL is going to be phased out
>soon. It does not have sufficient sales volume to support the
>product. They recommended if you need it, stock up.
>Bob Muller - Water Heater Innovations, Inc
>Voice (518)872-1002 Fax (518)872-1012
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