Fwd: anybody who wants a set of rear seat JEEP seat pads?

From: Hanno Spoelstra (HL.Spoelstra@inter.NL.net)
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 13:23:03 PDT

>Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 07:11:57 -0400
>From: Wells <bwana@ameritech.net>
>To: HL.Spoelstra@inter.NL.net
>Subject: Sherman Encyclopedia
>By the way, Ive a set of rear seat JEEP seat pads. I hate to throw them
>away. Do you know anybody who wants them? They are not in perfect
>condition, but usable.
>Ilive in Michigan.USA
>R.G. Wells

Contact Richard at <bwana@ameritech.net> if you think you can use a set of
rear seat JEEP seat pads. Unfortunately, Richard does not know of what type
of jeep they are from, so I guess you'll just have to go and have a look at

Hanno Spoelstra
The Netherlands

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