Date: Sat Jun 01 2002 - 09:15:03 PDT
>I have the chance to buy an old military generator set. It was on eBay,
>and can be seen at:
>Does anybody know anything about this type of generator? Common problems,
>quirks, etc? I am hoping to use it for house standby power - I know it
>must be 3-phase. Are parts available anywhere still?
That one struck me as a crap-shoot but worth persuing if it is near you.
Nearness=everything here. I like the one in the trailer better- a 10kw
'all-volt-phase' from the sixties, but reserve hasn't been met @ $1500- so
?? Typical eBay 'NON-Description': "runs good", so I sent question:
>Does it generate all voltages and phases? Does it regulate load as well
>as rpms @ 1800? An hour later is it still regulating and offering
>everything? Can it supply heavy continuous use and what was your test?
>Is that what you meant by 'runs great'? Engine smoke/oil usage?
Make the seller answer the questions, since he should have originally in
the Description! And IMHO you do NOT want a 3-phase-only gen for home use,
esp when you are paying retail for it. Running the house off one leg of
the gen is a potential PIA. Testimonials contrary to this pov cheerfully
Good luck,
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the warriors go the spoils; to the hindmost . . the surplus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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