XM147 Super Duck Floated, another milestone towards restoration

From: Surplusyes@aol.com
Date: Tue Jun 04 2002 - 03:39:00 PDT

Another SITREP on Super Duck

   Comments I received, plus parts I bought at the 29th East Coast Rally in
Churchville encouraged me to get the Super Duck in the water. With the help
of some co-workers we tested it off the ramp near the Officers Club at the
Aberdeen Proving Ground. Based on what the previous owners had told me this
must have been the first time it was in the water in at least 35 years. A
few minor pin holes but it moved back and forth under its own power. Major
problem I had was getting it back up the ramp, was steep and slippery, front
wheels would not grab, apparently linkage to transfer for sprag has to be
adjusted. Next issue of Army Motors (#100) will have article on Super
Thanks to CAPT Hank, Jack Tomlin, Mark Dodd, AB Linn, Dave Kuhn, Mark Stanly
and countless others who had parts I needed or did some welding/fabrication
for me and made this possible. In 1997 I saved this "near death" vehicle
and after 5 years, 4 tons of sand blasting media, 200 sq ft of new metal,
etc, it was worthwhile....
Tom ......

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