EQUAL in Tires

From: Tim Clark (glengar@bellatlantic.net)
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 13:43:12 PDT

I have an M-715 that had very bad shake at around 45MPH.
When I took it to my local "big tire" shop, they too recommended EQUAL,
which was then pumped into the tubes (900x16, same as M-37).
It did absolutely nothing to help.
I finally had to go to their main shop where thay have a large truck
tire spin balancer. Tires took a lot of weights but shake is now gone.
Yes, I had to replace the tubes since once it's in it can't be removed
very well.
EQUAL was expensive, about $30 as I recall, and definitely, at least in
my experience, not worth it.....

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