From: Nigel Hay (
Date: Thu Jun 06 2002 - 23:01:16 PDT
Sadly the excellent programme of D-Day documentaries on History Channel
yesterday were introduced in every commercial break as
"remembering the events of June 6th 1945...." -
The feature on Daryl F Zanuck's "Longest day" showed footage of the premiere
of the film in Paris in 1963 - with a parade of WW2 military vehicles
including Shermans - do any of our readers know any more?
Cheers,, Nige
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rich Weinkauf, N8QLT" <>
To: <>; "Military Vehicles Mailing List"
<>; <>
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 12:27 AM
Subject: [MVlist] "Proving Grounds" on History Channel 6/6 & 6/7
> Hey folks,
> Late notice, but I just saw the promo for a show called "Proving Grounds"
> the History Channel tonight at 10:00PM EDT. Lots of Mil-Vehs getting
> up in the trailer. Here is the synopsis and air times from the History
> Channel's website:
> Modern Marvels
> Proving Grounds
> Thursday , June 06 10:00 PM-11:00 PM
> Friday , June 07 2:00 AM-3:00 AM
> Where can you fire a missile without scaring the neighbors? Or lift
> of pounds in pursuit of a couple of ounces of gold? On a proving ground,
> course, where performance is the only thing that matters. Because in the
> heat of battle or head-to-head competition, no excuses can be given. We'll
> visit the U.S. military's Cold Regions Testing Center in Alaska and desert
> proving grounds in Arizona, the Olympic Complex in Colorado, and the
> now-defunct Packard proving grounds in Michigan. TV G
> ________________________________________
> Rich Weinkauf, N8QLT
> Cruise Missile Coordinates: 42d 28.05'N 083d 22.87'W
> HummerID 97.5 Fly Yellow Wagon
> 1970 Kaiser-Jeep M35A2 ** MVPA #20486
> Load Warrior Website
> M35 Cool Stuff Site
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