From: Neil E. Amrhein (
Date: Fri Jun 07 2002 - 11:07:19 PDT
I have seen mules with many different paint schemes. The solid green is
the most common, but I have also seen several mules with the older 4-color
paint scheme, and one in desert tan. I have never seen one in a current
3-color camo scheme. I know some of them are probably still in use, or were
in the 90's. Does anyone know if there is a current (3-color) camo pattern
for an M274?
I checked TB 43-0209 and did not find an M274. I would assume, since the
M274 was mainly used in the 60's and 70's that it might be in the older
version of the TB which has the 4-color patterns. Can anyone confirm this?
Has anyone ever seen a 3-color mule in service? Just curious.
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