From: Trish & Carla (
Date: Mon Jun 10 2002 - 07:16:54 PDT
Perhaps the central issue is not being "Garaged",
but rather, it is parked on your property, rather
than parked on the street in front of the home??
One concern an insurance company would have, being
"attractive nuisance", in that it would attract
children that would want to play on it when it's
-- Patricia E. Gibbons & Carla Satra Tactical Link Systems In California: "She sells D-cells by the seashore" <ICQ#: 72818195> <> see my comvan at: <> ...................................... My Public Key is available at: Key ID: 0xEDECB44F This key is RSA, NOT Diffie-Hellman !!-----Original Message----- From: Military Vehicles Mailing List []On Behalf Of Graf, John Adams Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 6:17 AM To: Military Vehicles Mailing List Subject: [MV] Insuring vehicles stored out-of-doors
Paul Thomas wrote: >>Hagerty Insurance, a company which specializes in classic vehicles. When I called I was advised that all vehicles they provide coverage on MUST BE GARAGED....Might anyone have a different company they like dealing with for MilVeh insurance?
Paul: I reviewed five or six company's policies for insuring military vehicles (Hagerty being one of them) in the April 2002 issue of Military Vehicles Magazine (No. 90, pp40-42). One of the questions I asked each company was whether or not they required the vehicle being garaged. State Farm (the highest priced of the companies I surveyed) answered that they did not usually insure a stored out of doors vehicle, but "Will review on a case-by-case basis"). Condon and Skelly replied that "Possibly they would insure a vehicle stored out of doors, depending on circumstances." See the article for all the phone numbers and contact info.
My sense in interviewing all of these companies was that ANYTHING is possible IF you are willing to pay for it. In most cases, down playing that you are insuring a mil-veh seems the best route EXCEPT for the big stuff. In those cases, the reps seemed more at ease with the idea that the theft potential is low as is frequent use. Also, they understand that the big stuff is more durable than, say, a Split-window Porsche 356 or a Delahaye.
Hope this helps. John A-G editor, MVM
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