From: GOTAM35 (
Date: Mon Jun 10 2002 - 20:07:14 PDT
I have the same warm feeling when I drive my M35. I have only had it a few
weeks, but I assumed the government doesn't care how comfortable the troops
are. I took the top off and plan to leave it off till fall. I have had old
trucks with no insulation on the floor and they where hot. I plan to put
some rubber we use on underground pipe on my floors sometime. I too would
appreciate any suggestions. Sweatin' in South Carolina, Joe.
By the way, I received my membership packet from MVPA a few days ago. Let
the adventure begin!
Also I like to fly on WW2 bombers. Rode 2 in the past year. Plan to ride a
B-24 in November. I have a real lame web site with a few pictures I took on
board. Hope to upgrade later this year. .
----- Original Message -----
From: "specwar" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 10:20 PM
Subject: [MV] Hot Floorboard in M35
> I have an M35A2C with a Continental LDT-465-1C Multifuel engine. On a
> recent 45 mile outing ona 90+degree day I noticed that the floorboard
> are in the drivers side(don't know about the passenger side) was getting
> really warm, to the point of being uncomfortable. The temp guage was
> showing about 180 degrees with good oil pressure. I was traveling at
> speeds from 50 to 55 almost the whole trip. Is this normal due the lose
> proximity ro the large chunk of steel called the engine block if so can
> any insulation be put in place to lessen the heat. If there is a
> possible problem, please let me know also.
> \Secondly, a while back I requested info on front end shimmy at about
> the 50MPH mark on my M35, just to let everyone know it was the right
> front tire that was the culprit, was slightly out of round. swapped it
> from the outboard left front drive axle tire and now all is well.
> Thanks to the list for all past and future help,
> Robert J. Wilson
> M35A2C
> MVPA#23437
> Newsletter Editor Mid-Kansas military Vehicle Preservation Association
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