From: Dan Parmley Jr. (
Date: Fri Jun 14 2002 - 22:02:01 PDT
Hello all,
I am an advanced collector so I do not fear to big or being odd or ???
BUT. What are the down sides to the M656 series, Why own one? Kinda like
a poor mans Oskosh 8x8. I want to tow other MV's & Artillery on occasion
so does it have enough beef to get with the program. I understand it is
a Multifuel engine "hopped up" so to speak. What is a realistic cursing
speed? What if any are its weak points? Any other info? I received some
nice pictures so far of others owned by collectors (This does not help
with rational decision making, any MV with a fresh OD paint job and all
the trinkets is like looking at a woman in a mini skirt, OoooH). Of
course it looks good. Well again thanks for all the responses!!!!
Dan Parmley Jr.
1952 - USMC M37
1984 - M1009 CUCV - FOR SALE
1968 - M35A2C
1966 - M114A1E1 APC
1956 - M59 APC - FOR SALE
1943 - M2A2 105mm How.
1960 - XM34 Little John Rocket Launcher
1941 - BMW R71 - FOR SALE
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