From: MVdonlow (
Date: Sun Jun 16 2002 - 18:25:33 PDT
I have a M1009 CUCV 1984 Set up as a Desert Storm Comand and Control
I want to run HF moible (Amateur Radio, but I'm looking for a sutable
military rig )
But I am uncertain what style of antenna would look proper on my CUCV.
Is a MP-65 Vehicular Mast Base for MS-116, MS-117, MS-118 or AB-21, AB-22,
AB-23, AB-24
mast sections. Spring action with 4" * 3" diameter ceramic insulator.
Antenna connection is on the bottom of mast base. Requires a 2" diameter
mounting hole. found at under antennas
is this a good Desert Storm era antenna ? or is there something else I
should use ?
If anyone has a opinion of a HF antenna that would look better or be more
proper for desert storm please reply
I am interested in getting up and running before field day(but time is
running out).
If you have such an antenna that would look right , reply as well, I am
ready to buy 1.
Don Low N0UBI
new member MVPA
new Member Mid Kansas MVPA
new and proud owner of a 1984 M1009 CUCV
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