From: GOTAM35 (
Date: Fri Jun 21 2002 - 19:19:32 PDT
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike and Cheryl" <>
> It is for sale on a sealed bid.
I hate sealed bids. If you are cheap, you are out of luck. If you want it
bad enough that you want to ensure you get it, you have to bid high. If you
don't mind watching your neighbor riding around in it, bid low.
I was saddened to learn that you can't wait to the last minuet to out bid
someone at the GL site. I do that on eBay (yes I'm ashamed). If you don't,
someone will do it to you. It feels good sometimes to be the pain in the
The only thing I ever won at a sealed bid auction was a NCO Marine sword at
Fort Jackson. I bid $52 because I figured it was worth $50 and someone
would bid $51 to beat us $50 people. It work this time. When I went to
pick it up the Lady that bid $51 was there and asked if I wanted to sell it
(I think we discussed how much we each bid). I didn't want to and now it
sits in my basement with the rest of my junk. Is there anywhere I can put
that on my M35?
Words of Wisdom from Joe Trapp.
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