From: Morgans (
Date: Fri Jun 21 2002 - 23:33:24 PDT
Look at the vehicle as parts to help figure out how much to bid, a good tub
is worth $1500 dollars, a YS Carter carb is $150 and remember that you would
need to haul the Jeep home, take the Jeep apart and still make some money on
Ed Morgan
----- Original Message -----
From: "Julian Burke" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] what to bid on auctions
> I'd trying to know how anyone would answer a question such as this!! If I
> could answer it, I would be a billionaire! Seems to me in one of the
> articles I wrote a while back, I mentioned looking in Wal-Mart or K-Mart
> see if they are selling crystal balls. Seems like they don't or are
> out because the stock market is still falling sharply. Why would anyone
> need advice on how to bid if he/she wanted it for say, $800 but not $900??
> I think the key in this paragraph is he says "I'm cheap". So always
> remember: "If you are looking for something for nothing, that is exactly
> and usually what you will find"!! TRY THIS METHOD: If it is worth $505
> you, bid that. If it is worth $1005 to you, bid that and so on. Worrying
> that you will get outbid by $1 is circumvented by bidding a few extra
> dollars. You might get outbid by a tiny amount or you might "lay some
> on the table". We all do this all the time and anytime we bid at auction.
> Anything asked beyond this will require the talents of a circus fortune
> teller or ask your local bookie for his formula on the horses. You are
> asking the same question!!! Julian
> > pictures. I am thinking $800 to $1000, but I'm cheap and this is Iowa.
> > I was wondering how you figure a bid price. I know if I put in $800 bid
> > I would get beat buy a $801 or $800.25. Does anyone have a good method
> > of figuring how far to exceed an even number say $857 or how do you
> decide?
> > Do you just bid top dollar or do you go the little extra? I've only
> > stuff by
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