From: Paul A. Thomas (
Date: Sat Jun 22 2002 - 14:54:38 PDT
I went out back to get the brakes up on the '53 REO and found I could not
open the master cylinder. The lid is plastic ( were they always plastic?
Or could this be a cheap reproduction make do? ), thus the two tabs broke
off as I tried to turn it then got a small hammer and tap. Then tried lock
jaw pliers, plumbers wrench... the lid takes damage on the edges but won't
My next step will probably be to try to split the thing with a chisel,
however I worry about small plastic bits falling into the cylinder reservoir.
1: is the master cylinder lid on an M35 plastic? Where can I order one (
plastic or metal ) these days?
2: Does anybody have a trick for getting old plastic lids to come off?
3: is my worry about bits of plastic getting into the reservoir valid?
Might it hinder brake performance?
Thanks for your help.
MVPA# 24986
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