From: Ron (
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 08:28:46 PDT
In the sprit of inter club co-operation....
Don't forget the upcoming Towing Equipment, Sheep Herding, Metal
Reclaiming and Dairy Products exposition run by the GMMVC at Norwich
University in VT., coming up on the 12th and 13th of July. Go here One of the Baaaaaaaaaadest
rallies in the US. Definitely moooooooooooving up the rankings ladder.
Due to the peculiarities of the members, you might want to leave your
pioneer tools at home. Check out the "for sale" section of their site for
further explanation. Bring your MV's, running or (like most GMMVC owned)
not. VT registered tow trucks, towing VT (optimistically) registered and/or
unregistered but Vermonter owned MV's, get in for free!
Bring a good looking sheep (decided by Kerry B. at the Registration
Desk) and get in for free!!! Mention 'AstroGlide' at registration, and the
sheep does too, plus you get a "I Stand Behind My Sheep" pin and a free
admission, for you AND your sheep, to the "Sheepherders Cotillion" held at
an at present, unspecified field outside of town on the night of the 12th!
And they say Vermont Yankees don't know how to have a good time.
Then if you want to attend a REAL MV Rally, go to the MVMVC Rally, July
25-27 in Weare, NH.
And don't forget August 3-4, Webster MA Rally, another great one!
Just a reminder, cause summer will be gone before you know it and it
doesn't hurt to pick up a wool sweater at a great price. By the way, don't
ask if the sweater is made out of virgin wool at the GMMVC rally or they'll
peg you as a non native on the spot!!! Everyone in Vermont knows there is no
such thing as an 'ugly' sheep in Vermont. Some are just 'cuter' than
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