From: Paul A. Thomas (
Date: Fri Jun 28 2002 - 17:05:27 PDT
I'm sorry to bug you on a brake question again. But I don't care how well
it runs as long as it stops when I tell it to.
1: While pulling pieces of the cap out of the master cylinder today I
noticed it is empty. And that the inside bottom surface is covered with
rust. However the rust easily was moved by the forceps I used to pull
plastic bits out. Was rust an evil thing in the brake system? Or does the
master cylinder have filters to keep any rust out of the lines? If not, is
cleaning a safe option? ( remove, clean in parts washer, dry, fill and
flush a few times )
2: List members kept referring to MilSpec brake fluid. DOT3 was probably
the Spec in 1952, when the truck was built. Did the military change the
Spec for old trucks at some point? Or is the Synthetic fluid just preferred
by many members because it performs better. And where might I find
it? The three parts stores I have visited locally look at me .... as tho I
were a teacher with a surprise exam when I ask about DOT5 fluid. Then tell
me that DOT4 is synthetic ( One did, one hinted at it ).
3: Someone offered me a master cylinder lid here, however it didn't have
the vent port/tube. Does anybody have one they would like to sell?
Many Thanks
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