From: Your Name (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 05:44:32 PDT
Thanks for the input.. never did think about the era...would prefer not
to get the mustard green OD, leaning more towards the flat-er color,
but the stuff that is on it now faded to almost gray shows every greasy
fingerprint and wipe smears.
50's or 60-70's? Have to think about that.
Also once one selects the correct paint how much do I need to do the
Tks (again) in advance.
P.S. while we are talking paint.. I have a WIP 53 M-38A1 Ex Navy in
Gray,it is a semi gloss on it now and looks good would like to re-apply
this. What do you suggest for this?
52 M37
53 M-38A1 (WIP)
> In a message dated Sun, 14 Jul 2002 7:41:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> > What is the correct paint for a simple OD 1952 M-37?
> Assuming we are talking about a US Army M-37, the as built color
would be 23070.
> In 1957 this color was replaced by 24087.
> So it would depend upon what time frame you want your truck to
> But my research is not other opinions welcomed.
> My .02,
> David Doyle
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