Re: [MV] Orwell was am optimist

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 00:26:24 PDT


>Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

In my opinion, "large numbers" can be as few as one semi-elected official
in the White House. You know, the guy who is represeting the party of
"less government intrusion" :-) In general, for every one thing uttered
out a politician's mouth, there are probably a dozen things actually
being done to contradict whatever was said. Nothing new, and certainly
not party, country, or government specific. It's been the nature of
organized government since before recorded history, and I am sure it has
a LONG way to go before it is changed. At least over the years it gets
better on the whole.

And if you guys are frightened about this, imagine living in the
governmental conditions the average Human lives under. The thought of
living in central Africa, South East Asia, the Middle East, Moscow (worse
now than under Communism in terms of personal safety), etc. quickly puts
whatever beef I have with my own government firmly into perspective. It
ain't perfect, but I wouldn't trade it for any other in existance
although there are some fine second choices out there.


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