Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 08:32:06 PDT
having been down this road a few times, I can tell you that there is no commercial equivalent for the gears in the M35 axle. The whole unit is unique to the M35. With piles of them rusting in surplus yards, I doubt anyone would save a cent or two by buying commercial parts, even if they existed. The monster truck crowd (Bigfoot et al) probably has the best line of info on what works in these axles. Most of them are using them.
In a message dated Thu, 1 Aug 2002 9:13:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Combat" <> writes:
>That much info I have, I need detailed R&P info primarily (or does someone
>have a set to lend me for a while for dimensioning ONLY)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: jonathon <>
>To: Combat <>
>Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 9:54 AM
>Subject: Re: [MV] Deuce info needed...
>> >Looking for complete info on the m35a2 differentials/axles.
>> >
>> >i.e. : Mfr (Rockwell?), type, ring & pinion size, commercial equvalent,
>> >etc.
>> >
>> >I have a close frind who owns a R&P mfr facility and you can guess the
>> >rest....
>> I talked to an engineer at Rockwell. He said those were the smallest axles
>> they ever made and that the army truck (as he called it) was the only
>> application and as such no other gears or options (power dividers,
>> etc) were ever made. If you find out otherwise, let me know.
>> good luck,
>> je
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