RE: [MV] painting 3 color camo.

From: Tony Castagno (
Date: Sun Aug 18 2002 - 04:59:01 PDT

I've painted my HMMWV and a M416 trailer 3 color cammo, here are my

On my M416 I used the chalk trick, I didn't wipe it off before spraying
and had the problems listed such as bleed through and bad paint adhesion
on the lines... My HMMWV I did differently... The manual gives you
measurement points to all of the color bands from known points on the
vehicle.. I painted base green first and then I shot my black I measured
to the point I needed and then shot a small blast as a reference... I
did then same on where it exited the vehicle and then eyeballed the
pattern outlining it.... then filled it in. I then did the same with
the brown.... I have the cammo 4 man soft top and cargo cover on my
vehicle and the patterns all lined up to the body paint pattern....
interesting even the hood pattern blends right into the top's pattern if
seen from the air... and the cargo floor pattern matches the cargo tops
top pattern... kind of cool..... good luck on your painting... and I
wouldn't get too hung up with the chalk or felt outlines.... One other
interesting way I saw somewhere was to use a projector and a
transparency to project the pattern onto the side of the vehicle and
then paint it that way... I guess it only works on the horizontal
surfaces though..... but probably good for a deuce or APC...


-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List [] On
Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 7:34 AM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] painting 3 color camo.

In a message dated 18/08/02 11:57:25 GMT Daylight Time,

<< Paint the vehicle the base color (green or tan) and the use chalk to
the patterns on the vehicle then spray the two other colors following
chalk lines the fade is created by over spray. >>

Dear Listers......

not quite the whole story ! When you have chalked the pattern to your
satisfaction, the next step is to wipe off the chalk outline,
section-by-section, and replace it with a felt-tip marker-pen outline.
If you leave the chalk on the body, the chalk outline will "bleed
the paint and the paint will not adhere properly along the chalklines.

Happy painting !


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