From: Wayne Harris (
Date: Mon Aug 26 2002 - 22:52:29 PDT
Hi Steve If the gas pedal is the only thing that shouldn't be a problem,
handicap/disable drivers use a variety of controls that could be modify.
Here is a link to a left foot gas pedal. Wayne
>Ok I am not crazy. I got it and it is now in an alternative place
>unbeknownst to me (lost).
>I had started to read a letter about someone who was thinking about puting
>GMC engine and 5 sp into a WW2 Chevy. Whoever he was quoting (I guess an
>article in a previous MV mag) is WRONG!
>You cannot put a 5 sp Clark onto a Chevy or GMC engine in a WW2 Chevy. You
>cannot operate the gas pedal! The GMC power train sits about 2" lower in
>the chassis and that allows the floor to go over the 5 sp. In a Chevy, you
>have to try to sneak your foot around behind the extended top cover of the
>tranny. You could not drive the truck that way. I know this because I tried
>If they were quoting an article in MV magazine, I wish someone who knew
>something about this had been asked....
>Also, the GMC engine is about 1.5" longer than the Chevy. You can adapt a
>chevy engine to a cckw by making a small plate to extend forward the front
>mount. On installing the GMC into a Chevy, the motor mount is now behind
>timing cover, possibly into the oil pan...
>Steve AKA Dr Deuce
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