From: Winget, William A CONT JTFCS5G (
Date: Tue Aug 27 2002 - 06:13:48 PDT
Sulphur apparently Eat's Bronze !
I'm sure someone will jump in and get the exact designation, but using "EP"
type 90 gear oil (or the type that contains Sulphur) will eat the bronze
(Brass) components such as synchronizers and spacers. The recommendation I
understand for "MUTTs" is to use Lubriplate brand to quiet them down and
preserve them best. (no, I haven't used it, nor sell it.) My Model TT Truck
though has a huge solid Bronze Worm gear which would supposedly dissolve
over time if I used it.
Look at the Forum for MUTT's on for further clarification.
ALSO the Mercedes rear ends are being inserted by guys in IRAN, whom
cannot obtain replacement parts from US for their hobby vehicles. (or F14
Tomcats....;o) ) Seems to work well for them. Sorry don't have their web
page, but again, ask on in the forums section on 151's.
About the Show:
Sept 6-8th, Virginia War Memorial Museum on the Virginia Peninsula in
Newport News, Virginia.
Come down, see the show. Militaria for sale, around 22 + assorted vehicles
and Artillery coming, Museum's open to the public (vendors inside) You
could also head over and check out the Monitor's Turret which was just
returned from Davy Jones Locker! at the Mariners Museum only 5 miles
away.....Convince the Wife to go to the Beach and relax while you enjoy it.
(A beach 1/4 mile away at the James River Bridge, US Route 17)
Starts Friday afternoon through Sunday, Auctions inside the Museum Friday
and Saturday evenings. I'll try to be there to give Halftrack Rides (Boss
is being a Prick about letting me off for it though... )
Still seeking TOW missile parts and M8A1 Alarm associated small parts for a
inert Dummy alarm.
Regards W. Winget
MVPA # 7119
Web Page:
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