From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Tue Aug 27 2002 - 07:57:26 PDT
For those who insist that the end user should be shot when their email
address is found in some SPAM or virus...
>Web Mail, Norton, Firewall, Spoof, outlook, these are just words. Words are
>not the problem executed code is the problem and if you open email have a
>connection to the internet then you are at risk, we all are at risk.
To add to Dave's comments...
I use a Mac without MS Outlook, and therefore none of various "double
click" viruses that are hitting people supposedly from my various email
accounts have anything to do with what *I* or my software have done. My
accounts are on a large ISP as well as our own Win2k sever with all the
most up-to-date security patches (my IT guy was hired away from a Fortune
500 IT department). Yet people get emails with my email address all the
time. Blaming me for the problem is like blaming someone who doesn't eat
every last scrap of dinner for world hunger. There is nothing that I can
do to avoid the problem except to close my accounts and never go on the
Internet again.
My point here is that there is one golden rule in the software biz (which
I am in) when it comes to hacking. And that is, if someone wants to hack
something, eventually they will do so given enough time and talent. I
deal with these schmucks every day so I know not only what they are
capable of, but how they think. And neither are pretty sights.
Just my 2 bits worth.
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