From: Steve & Jeanne Keith (
Date: Wed Aug 28 2002 - 18:19:36 PDT
Some of us up here in NH were asked to help train members of the MA
National Guard/Reserves going to Bosnia. We played opposing forces
(Serbs) using our WW2 vehicles because they wanted vehicles that they
(the Guard) had never seen before or might see over there.
We went down to Ft Devens in MA and spent a day about a year and
a half ago. I brought my CCKW with .50 cal up on the roof along with
the 37mm AT gun. We set up two road blocks along with the normal
people who play opposition forces. It was an interesting experience to
say the least. We had a 1/2 ton WC Carryall and 3 ton CMP and
the 37mm at the other road block.
The rules of engagement were that we could not aim the guns directly
at them. I did make a habit of aiming obviously high while tracking
them in azmiuth. Made more than one group of Americans in
their HUMVEEs nervous...
At one point I mentioned to the person who had coordinated this that
I thought that (putting my U-bastard hat on) it would have been more
effective to have me about 1/3 mile back off to the side of the road block
with a couple of guys covering my flanks as a more serious threat to those
pesky Americans with the .30 cal peashooters. That way if my guys at the
road block suddenly dropped down to the ground I could take out the
lead and rear HUMVEEs without too much danger to me.
Steve AKA Dr Deuce
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