From: MV Don Low (
Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 15:28:14 PDT
Thank you Mike Sir! lol
I would hate to spread incorect data.
Please foward your article ! I am new to the M1009 (I only have one)
What you said makes more sence than the way I said it.
May I ask you to look at TM 9-2320-289-34 page e11
Figure e-9 charging circuits (all except m1010)
It SEEMS to state, (incorectly ? ? ? ) and that would not be the first time.
Generator 1 (left) Front Battery Charging
Generator 2 (right ) Both Batteries charging
is this a error or can you explain this text ?
Figure e-10 charging circuits (m1010) seems to say the same thing.
20 manual has the same text !
Be sure I am in no way sugesting your statment is incorect.
But this is confusing, and the diagram leaves much in doubt as to where the
wires actualy end up as a circuit
I want to understand this better, I have lost sleep on it. (never made
Thanks in advance Don.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Julian Burke" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 11:15 PM
Subject: [MV] Fw: [MV] M1009 Alternators. Question
> > That is correct, one is charging one battery at 12 volts the other is
> > charging both batteries at 24 . Kind of take ya of guard for a while !
> WRONG!! Cannot happen this way! As the batteries are in SERIES, so are
> the alternators. Both alternators are 12 VOLTS each and are in series
> each other. (center tap going to the center tap of the batteries) I did
> article on this charging system some time ago and will try to retrieve it
> and repost it. Since they are in series, the POS of the RIGHT side
> alternator will be 24 volts to ground. IT IS NOT CHARGING BOTH BATTERIES.
> If it were, there would be no need of the left alternator. If you notice,
> BOTH alts have isolated grounds. (alt case is not grounded as are most
> civvy alternator units) LEFT side ground goes to ground of vehicle. The
> POS of left side goes to NEG of RIGHT side alternator and a wire from this
> connection goes to the center tap of the batteries. This is why one alt
> cannot charge both batteries. The POS of right side (this point measures
> volts to ground) goes to the POS of its' respective battery. Julian Burke
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