From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 09:34:10 PDT
Hello Jack,
>I want to thank everyone who has made suggestions. All great ideas too, I
>would be happy to visit any of them. However, I am focusing on doing just
>two museums this trip and I have narrowed it down to 3 choices, Bovington,
>Aberdeen and Munster. I'm really in favor of Bovington. First, its
>relatively cheap to fly there and stay for a few days and 2nd it got the
>most votes! If I go to Bovington Camp, I also get to stop in London and
>London has several top notch military museums.
If you take the train down to Wool, be VERY alert. These trains stop for
about 20 seconds at each stop :-) If you are not johny on the spot you
will find yourself in deep doodoo.
>Now #2 is between Aberdeen and Munster.
Aberdeen depresses the crap out of me, so my vote would be for Munster
:-) Seeing one of a kind German prototypes literally rusting into the
ground is not my idea of a fun visit. Seeing near one of a kind vehicles
in restored/running condition... yeah, that gets my juices flowing!
Plus, Munster has the beer angle going for it, and that can not be
overlooked :-)
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