From: Douglas Greville (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 23:18:13 PDT
Steve and Jack
> If you take the train down to Wool, be VERY alert. These trains stop for
> about 20 seconds at each stop :-) If you are not johny on the spot you
> will find yourself in deep doodoo.
Next major stop would be Poole, although you should be able to get off
at the next minor stop and wait for between 1/2 and 1 hour for the next
train going the other way............
If you do get the train to Bovvy, then don't fall for the trick I did.
Basically, anyone who gets off the train at Wool is headed for the
museum. Wool is such a one horse town that there isn't even a shop of
any kind - only 1 pub!
The local taxi drivers have this little lurk going where they try and
keep incoming passengers seperated. What they do is say to anyone at
the station "waiting for a cab mate?" if the answer is yes, they say
"okay, I will only be a few minutes". They don't ask where the fare is
to as they don't want you to twig and offer to share with that person.
It's only when you see the same faces at the museum a bit later and
start to get suspicious and ask, that it becomes clear.
That way, they take you to Bovvy, then the next person, then the next
person and so on. There are
2 taxis maximum, so if you strike a bad day and there are a few trips to
make you could be in for quite a wait - which really p*sses you off as
from the train station you can actually see them take the turnoff into
Bovvy a couple of miles up the road. Needless to say, the cab fare
isn't cheap either as they have a captive market.
So, as soon as you get off the train, stand there and in a loud voice
ask anyone else who has got off the train if they are headed for Bovvy
and if they want to share a cab.
Getting back isn't so easy as you have to phone for a cab. Though you
may see someone else standing out front of the building and it wouldn't
hurt to ask them if they are waiting for a cab.
> Aberdeen depresses the crap out of me, so my vote would be for Munster
> :-) Seeing one of a kind German prototypes literally rusting into the
> ground is not my idea of a fun visit. Seeing near one of a kind vehicles
> in restored/running condition... yeah, that gets my juices flowing!
> Plus, Munster has the beer angle going for it, and that can not be
> overlooked :-)
Agreed. Make sure you get the "korrekt" directions from Andreas, or you,
like many US servicemen, will find yourself at the wrong Münster, about
300km wrong.
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