From: J. Forster (
Date: Sat Oct 05 2002 - 10:41:45 PDT
Cliff Smith wrote:
> True about the waste of money. BUT, .....if and engine runs cleaner (='s
> longer) with less emissions (='s longer valve life) and is making more power
> (theoreticlly) then why not use the 'better' fuel. I have heard that an
> engine (each one is different, even the same engines run differently) will run
> on a specific fuel. I have not tried this yet on the Mutt but have on my
> other vehicles. the higher octane (and yes my wallet hates it) does run
> better. no sputtering, better fuel economy, longer in-between oil changes
> (that is my fault), good cold startups just to name a few.
> Cliff Smith
In wonder if your sputtering and cold starting could be improved with some dry
gas? Is it possible the higher grades of gas have some alcohol (dry gas) in them
and the lower grades do not, to give the appearance of higher performance with
the more expensive product while masking the real reason?
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