From: Jim (
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 13:51:29 PDT
Hi All;
Here is a link to an article which casts a little doubt on the old Otto
Titzling story (seems to be , and adds some comments on the Crapper story.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>quoted from Snopes website
"It's a great story, but there's no truth to it. The madness began with a
1971 book by Wallace Reyburn titled Bust-Up: The Uplifting Tale of Otto
Titzling and the Development of the Bra. Like his 1972 send-up, The Inferior
Sex: A Treatise on the Inferiority of Women, Bust-Up was a work of satire."
Bette Midler sings about Otto Titzling and his wonderful invention in the
1988 movie Beaches, and on her 1986 album, "Mud Will Be Flung Tonight."
Also, a Trivial Pursuit game card incorrectly gives the inventor of the bra
as Otto Titzling.
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