From: J. Lee (
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 20:07:38 PDT
"Hi Jack Are you talking about Ft.Stewart Ga.?? If so let me some more
details please. Wayne"
No I really wasn't Wayne. I mentioned Ft. Stewart and others only because I
thought folks might relate to what I was saying if I mentioned an event
close to them, rather than talking about my area... which is pretty
My one and only point, which really wasn't focused on any one event, was
simply: "It might be a nice idea to have a military only zone".... that is,
for those who wanted it. I really didn't think it was very controversal,
seemed like a fun thing to do. Thats all.
In a nut shell:
A. If people want to have a "military only zone" at an event, then do it.
B. If the others don't, they want to park their military vehicles where and
how they want or wear what they want, fine, they should be just as
welcome..... in their own area outside the military only zone.
C. A & B are not mutually exclusive!
D. To do A. and B. is not excluding anyone or anything, its just a way of
doing a presentation for a certain effect or appeal that might be even more
interesting to the public... period.
For people who eat sleep and breath military vehicles and military things, I
kinda thought the idea would have some appeal, but then judging by the
majority of responses, I guess not.
Now my rant.......
In a dictatorship this would idea would have been a piece of cake.... in a
democracy, such as we have in most MV clubs, with opinions out numbering
ideas 10 to 1, it ain't so easy! Its yet one more reason why people who put
on ANY club events are to be commended. And by the way, I have never decided
to stay away from an MV event because of how it might be organized... I
support em all. Any MV event, anywhere, has my whole hearted endorsement
and I am just happy you did it.
Keep em rollin,
--- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Harris" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Idea - Military Only Zone
>If you have ever been to an MV event, like Woodson Bridge, Big Bear,
>Quanset, Gilbert, Ft. Stewart, etc., you know there is a lot of different
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