From: J. Lee (
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 10:24:00 PDT
Re: Factual findings about off-topic complaints
It's not the first time a complaint has come up about off -topic
discussions. I've heard it for years off and on, so I finally decided I
would do a little personal research and what I found might surprise some of
us... although my results are from a sampling and may not be strictly
Overwhelmingly the posts are on topic! Almost 97%! Yep, I was surprised
too. They are nearly all about military vehicles, MV events, MV legislative
concerns, MV hobby ideas, MV history, MV contact, MV supplies and such.
Researching a random 100 MV e-mails:
(a) directly related to MVs 79%
(b) indirectly related to MV's 11%
(c) marginally related to MV 5%.
(d) not related 3%
(e) not quantifiable or margin for error 2%
RESULTS: Between 93 - 97% compliance.
Note: I tossed in 2% for a margin of error.
Disclaimer: I base my stats on the belief this list was never intended to
prevent discussion on related MV issues.
CONCLUSION: In todays society to have anything show up between an estimated
93-97% compliance rate should be heralded as a monumental success!!!! Your
typical blvd. stop sign gets far less respect. So, our "success rate" on
this chat list speaks volumes about the personal integrity,
responsibility and respect posters overwhelmingly have for each other here.
Granted, there have been rare exceptions, but thats just be
If we were to have 100% compliance for MV only and to the most narrow letter
of interpretation, not only is it an unrealistic expectation, this would
list would likely become dull to the point of extinction. It would have all
the appeal and excitement of reading the phone book. The "very few
critics" that would deny us that occassional latitude really don't
understand people very well and they certainly are missing what this list
has to offer.
This is list an incredibly valuable resource for MV fans whether you are
looking for a vehicle, a part, a museum, import-export laws, an event, a
repair solution, etc. This is a fantastic list and you people are to be
"Keep em rollin!"
PS In case you are wondering, I rate this post as "marginally MV related."
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