From: aussierob (
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 11:47:28 PDT
Hello J Lee: You wrote...
Snippet;> Overwhelmingly the posts are on topic! Almost 97%!
What a great post if I do say so myself. It's a natural thing to wander off
topic in every part of our communicating. Even dogs and cats do it.
Even when a dog barks and barks and barks incessantly... and you poke your
head over the fence ...the Lil' bastard still keeps barking although he goes
"off topic" and wags his tail happy that he received your attention.
I mean that was his point right ?
Now, he may even bark more ferrociously too !
Which would also be his point.
Ok, so this post genarally says that me and my MB and MZ jeep are happy to
be "on and like now off" topic at random !
...and, J Lee had a nice informative posting
Go back and check it out
Aussie Rob
Upstate NY area.
----- Original Message -----
From: "J. Lee" <>
Yep, I was surprised
> too.
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