From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 17:45:03 PDT
At 8:08 PM -0400 10/8/02, wrote:
>In a message dated 10/8/2002 12:55:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
>> Its
>> like MV event organizers saying "No guns, dummy or
>> otherwise on the
>> vehicles or around".
>That is because it is a MV- "Military Vehicle" event...not a
>military event, not a vehicle event.
So does your MV have anything in it other than what the factor made
it with? Unit markings? Kit? Tools? Packs? Uniform items?
>Would a 57 T-Bird be out of place? Yes, it is a vehicle, but not military.
>Is a M1 carbine out of place, yes, equally so, it is military, but
>not a vehicle.
Thats absurd. Are you going to take those 40mm tubes off of the M42
Duster and the 37mm off of the M5 Stuart? A Bren gun is the typical
armament for a Dingo. Havhing that and the grenades in the stowage
bins is correct for that vehicle in it's pureist form. Just like the
antennas, radios, tools, personal kit and other items, all the extra
gear makes the vehicle more detailed for its time period.
-- Ryan Gill ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | -==---- | O--=- | | /_8[*]°_\ |_/|o|_\_| | _________ | /_[===]_\ / 00DA61 \ |/---------\| __/ \--- _w/|=_[__]_= \w_ // [_] o[]\\ _oO_\ /_O|_ |: O(4) == O :| _Oo\=======/_O_ |____\ /____| |---\________/---| [__O_______W__] |x||_\ /_||x| |s|\ /|s| |s|/BSV 575\|s| |x|-\| |/-|x| |s|=\______/=|s| |s|=|_____|=|s| |x|--|_____|--|x| |s| |s| |s| |s| |x| |x| '60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/3) ----------------------------------------------------------
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