From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 20:42:00 PDT
>Lastly, other than the law, is there any one else I should think about when
>I put the "dummy" gun on the gun mount. Is that a taboo in some circles. I
>have seen dummy guns on other vehicles at the places I plan to go, so I
>don't think it will be a problem, but should I check with the organizers
>when I go somewhere new.
Even if the show rules allow these to be displayed, it wouldn't be a bad
idea to keep them tucked away during transit. There was a rather
infamous case of a collector in Mass (and on this list at one point at
least) getting into a lot of unnecessary hassle with State Police over
this issue. Let me stress that he did *nothing* wrong and was completely
shafted because an over anxious police force made a bad decision and
didn't want to own up to their mistake. However, I suspect if he was to
go back in time he might have transported them differently even though it
was not legally required of him. When theory and reality get into a
headbutting match, I usually put my money on the reality side :-)
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