From: Jae Redfern (
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 13:02:00 PDT
Well, I hope I am on topic here with this one
For some time now, I have been interested in a used Hagglunds BV206.
Not so much as a collection piece but as a mode of transport as I
live in a northern area with a lot of boggy tundra in summer and snow
and sea-ice in winter.
The main thing I have been unable to find is any information from
private users of the machines. I have heard it said that these
machines are finicky, requiring a large investment in expensive parts
etc but this is all third hand from people who don't actually own one
or have any personal experience of the machines.
Would there be any user/owners on this list who wouldn't mind
answering some questions from a trepidatious potential buyer or could
anyone direct me to any sources of information relevant to my needs.
I have had very limited success finding much info' online; most of
what I turn up consists of basic specs and little else. Certainly
nothing that would help me decide if such a vehicle is a worthwhile
investment of both time and money or even if it's a suitable choice
for an area that is in deep cold conditions for much of the year..
Thanks in advance good people,
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