From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 18:19:53 PDT
Hi Russ,
> Looking for seats for my M29 Weasel.
Seat backs and bottoms are hard to find. Joel Gopan *might* have some
seat bottoms left, but I and some others might have cleaned him out
completely (I took 12 and I arranged for 12 others and know of 4 more all
gone). His number is 207-862-4061. Seat backs might be had by Russ Morgan:
>Also info on canvas top.
Russ has the back curtain, but I don't know of anybody at the moment that
has the main top for sale NOS or used. That is a problem. New Life
Resources makes a VERY good reproduction, but you need to provide the
unique hardware. You could make your own fasteners that would be
functional but not original. From the outside nobody would be able to tell.
If you haven't already, stop by my website:
I haven't had the time to update it in an embarrasingly long time, but
there is good info there and many Weaselers use the Forum.
Good luck!
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