From: Steve & Jeanne Keith (
Date: Thu Oct 10 2002 - 20:16:15 PDT
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Ball" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Reenactors have no right!!! unless they were there
> why in the hell do
> you think my Dad went to Europe just so you could find his uniform put it
> and let a whole bunch of Germans play war and chase you around for
> to watch I do not think
A number of years ago, a local M38 owner who was also a WW2 vet went to a
Board meeting that I attended. They were reviewing plans for a paintball
facility. The neighbors
were concerned about traffic and noise. There was some concern about the
paint itself on the
environment too. The vet stood up and stated 'that he did not fight in WW2
so that someone
could run around in the woods shooting paintballs at each other...'
I felt so sad that he fought in a war that could have killed him and yet he
had absolutely NO
concept of what he was fighting for!
> I think you need to listen to what you are saying we do not need to teach
> our children about War
We definately need to teach War in my humble opinion! If you teach war, and
how they start, how horrible they are and how they affect the average
you will be teaching children how to both cherish what our Vets have given
and how to protect it. Teach War and you will learn about Peace...
All my WW2 HMVs (that this applies to) have the marking of the 291st Combat
Engineers. They built the Bridge at Remargen and they stayed behind at the
of the Bulge to blow bridges and therby hault one of the German spearheads.
HMVs are marked (and I explain this to people) to honor these very brave
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