Date: Sat Oct 12 2002 - 17:21:38 PDT
In a message dated 10/12/2002 6:46:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, Gandjpappy writes:
> Unfortunately I found 2
> places on the web that state the towing capacity of the M35 is only 10,000
> pounds. I can get that with a 3/4 ton pickup! Can someone
> tell me why this
> truck can only pull 10,000 pounds?
Cause the folks that rated the deuce were as conservative as one can get, and the folks that rate pickups are as optimistic as one can get.
The deuce is rated based on towed load only, weight of trailer. The amount of weight on the tongue, or in the truck are immaterial to this rating. I suspect the pickup rating will state very specifically how much weight is to be on the tongue, and what kind of extra "towing package" you must have.
Also, remember that a military vehicle while provide its rated performance ANYWHERE, continously. Death Valley, or Alaska, day in or day out. The original testing of the deuce in the desert conditions concluded that at maximum load under extreme heat the coolant temperature would exceed that called for in the specs, but the engine wouldn't overheat, so it was accepted even though it didn't meet spec.
For a more apples to apples comparison, compare the rated towing capacity of the M275 deuce tractor to the pickup. The M275, since by default it will have part of the weight distributed to the truck, is rated at 36000 pull, again, under any circumstances.
Or, practically speaking, take a deuce down to the local dealership along with a length of anchor chain, and as the sales manager if he is up to a little comparison study!
Hope this helps,
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