From: Patrick Jankowiak (
Date: Sun Oct 13 2002 - 21:17:18 PDT
well here we are 260 miles later, and it looks like the same symptom.
I did replace the cork, used red silicon, even squirted some inside after putting the seal and inner nut in, and then following that with the lockwasher and outer nut.
Here's what i have done with the truck:
100 miles around town, just for fun. speed from 0 to 55
80 miles to a friend's farm 50 mph
half a mile or so, driving 20 mph around a pasture in low 6x6, to give friends' kids a ride
80 miles home at night, 50 mph.
The leak became evident (by seeing the inside of the wheel get wetted) during the last 80 miles. It was dry before I left the farm. I noticed the leak the next day when it was light outside.
I can only say that I put the new seal in the same way the old one came out; the side with the concentric ribs went towards the bearing, and the side with the flat rubber 9with slightly radial marks)
went towards the outside.
There's images at '' showing how it came apart. Put it back the same way.
I sure am frustrated!
Any ideas where I went wrong?
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