From: Dave Cole (
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 21:45:21 PDT
I can just see some poor guy saying honey, I bought this Larc thing with our home equity money and I'm going to make a killing selling it to an off shore oil
company or .......... Then it flames out on Ebay. The government is on his axx for not removing it. He can't find a shipyard willing to host it for less than
$1000/month.......etc, etc. Not a good day in that household! I sure hope he has some ocean front property without restrictions within 50 miles. I'd be
looking for a hotel where I could negotiate a decent monthly rate right about now if I were him.
10/13/2002 10:24:40 PM, <> wrote:
>I seem to remember that these brought close to $40,000 from GL. The rebuild kit brought almost as much. I assume it had four new engines in it. I had
them on my watch list but GL will only let you go back 30 days to check final price and I didn't save it.
>Tishomingo, MS
>> Don't know what's funnier.... the fact that the LARC LX didn't go for $10k
>> or that the reserve wasn't met. 32 bidders who must be crazier than us.
>> 1
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