From: Greg Anderson (
Date: Sun Oct 20 2002 - 19:39:39 PDT
Hey Guys
Just wanted to thank everybody that replied.After sticking my head in the
fender well and my feet in the air while working on the injector pump for an
hour,I finally figured out what was wrong.Everything in the pump looked
good.So I went back to make sure the pump was running in the tank."Yep.And
plenty of returning fuel too.HHmm.Too much maybe?"So I pulled the pump out
of the tank."I wonder why all the lines are loose."As I pulled the pump out
(not that easy on a van), I noticed that the line was cut in two and that
there were no screws holding the pump to the housing.So,in conclusion,the
good pump must have been replaced with a bad pump instead of the other way
around,the fuel that I was getting out of the primary filter with the pump
on was from gravity,and how you must take nothing for granted when you buy
it surplus. Thanks again,Greg
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